Privacy & Cookies Policy


Privacy Policy


Identification of the parties


What Is Your Profile, uses different communication channels such as,,, from now on referred to as What Is Your Profile or WIYP. The responsible entity has the VAT nr. PT220235660.

The customer/user is the one who requests information about What Is Your Profile services/products, via the different channels available, and may or may not purchase any of these same services/products, from now on referred to as user.

If the user is redirected to one of our partners’ websites, the Privacy Policy Cookie Policy and Terms and Conditions of that partner apply. What Is Your Profile is not responsible for those Policies and Terms and Conditions.



At What Is Your Profile we take the General Data Protection Regulations very seriously and we respect the trust you place in us when collecting and processing your personal data.

Accordingly, we have updated our privacy policy, which we recommend that you read so that you are aware of it.

Our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, serve to a clear understanding of how we collect, use, share and protect the personal data of our customers when they use our services or visit our website.

What Is Your Profile does not sell personal data of customers or users.

The answers to the following questions are part of What Is Your Profile’s privacy policy, and it is structured in this way, in order to make this privacy policy easy to read and understand.


  1. What is RGPD?

The RGPD refers to the General Data Protection Regulation. The Data Protection Laws in Portugal are as follows: Law No. 67/98, of 26 October and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.


  1. Who manages and is responsible for data processing?

What Is Your Profile, is responsible for data processing, based in R. Stº Amaro, 5, 2500-640 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.


  1. How do we get the data to be processed?

We take the subject of personal data very seriously. Since the beginning of our activities, all personal data obtained were provided to us by the user, via IM (Instant Messaging, such as Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp or other social networks), advertisements placed on different channels, filling out newsletter forms, contact requests, phone calls and registration requests, as well as via email.

We never buy databases of contacts, all contacts are provided at the user’s own discretion.


  1. Does What Is Your Profile use personal data for Direct Marketing?

What Is Your Profile will only use your personal data to send you previously requested or consented information. Communications can be made via email, telephone or SMS. What Is Your Profile will not market or share its databases with third parties other than those mentioned in the question “Who has access to your personal data?”.


  1. What kind of data do we get and process?

Identification and contact data: Name, email, mobile phone, type and/or location of desired product/service. We use this data to inform you about the type of products/services you have requested, as well as special campaigns and other marketing purposes. Because the user entrusts us with this data to send him information about our products/services, we conclude that he has given us his consent to do so.


Personal data: Address, gender, profession, VAT number for billing of products/services.

Data from websites, applications and social networks in case the customer registers and authenticates or joins the different What Is Your Profile channels. You can find more information on this subject by reading our Cookies Policy Section.

We do not knowingly or premeditatedly obtain data from anyone under 18 years of age. If we are able to detect that a user is under the age of 18, we will immediately delete the data. 


  1. How long is your data kept?

The collected data will be kept for the period necessary to provide the service or during the contract period (if you are our customer), or if you have requested information about our products/services, and have not followed the procedure defined in the question “How can I change or withdraw my consent?”

Your data may be kept for an indefinite period, if any legal obligation so requires.


  1. Where is your data stored?

The data is kept in data centers that guarantee the highest levels of security in data storage. These data and respective infrastructures are protected and maintained in accordance with high security standards and in order to respect the applicable privacy laws, being periodically subject to tests and audits by external entities.


  1. Who has access to your personal data?

What Is Your Profile does not disclose any personal data to third parties without the consent of its owner, except: 

  1. Authorized companies working on behalf of What Is Your Profile, e.g. third parties hired to provide customer support services or third parties hired to help improve the safety and security of our services. In these cases, these third parties must formally comply with our data privacy and security requirements and are not allowed to use the personal data that we may provide or to which they may have access, for any purpose other than that for which they were contracted.

  2. What Is Your Profile employees, suppliers or business partners, when necessary, so that they can provide a product or service or perform a function on behalf of What Is Your Profile that you have previously requested; 

  3. When required or permitted by law.

What Is Your Profile has already taken measures to ensure that its employees and subcontractors, with access to personal data, receive the necessary training to comply with this privacy policy and the legislation in force. Without prejudice, on a case-by-case basis, we will also take reasonable precautions to avoid any type of non-compliance, such as carrying out audits. Those who do not comply with this privacy policy or the General Data Protection Regulation may be subject to disciplinary action or other measures that What Is Your Profile deems necessary, including cancellation of contracts with third parties that violate the provisions of this privacy policy.


9. Is your data safe with What Is Your Profile?

Yes. You can get more information on this subject in the question “What measures have been taken to ensure the security of your data?”


10. What is the purpose of creating a personal account on our website, if available?

What Is Your Profile has been raising service levels through its digital channels. If available, in your account, you can carry out a set of operations, namely the following:

  1. Consult and change your personal data available in your account, such as login details;

  2. Consult and download manuals and/or other documents for our training courses;

  3. Attend training actions;

  4. Access practical and/or written assessment tests;

  5. Viewing and downloading certificates and/or other documents relating to training certification;

  6. Users will also have access, without the need for new formalities or any additional act, to the new functionalities that will be made available through your account.

11. When using What Is Your Profile’s digital platforms, what information are you delivering to us?

What Is Your Profile follows a set of measures to protect the privacy of users of its digital platforms. Visiting the Platforms, by itself, does not imply the automatic registration of any personal data that identifies the user, however, access to certain services may be subject to prior registration. In these cases, this may imply the provision of personal data (listed above in the question “What type of data do we obtain and process?”), as applicable. It may also collect, through automatic processes (cookies), information regarding the navigation of users on digital channels, with the aim of allowing a more complete browsing experience, to improve the quality of services and to adapt them to the preferences of your users. customers. For additional information, please see the full Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy Section.

12. What are the objectives and grounds for using your personal data?

Your personal data is collected and used for customer support and marketing purposes (communication of information related to What Is Your Profile products and services) under the terms selected by you in the consent form. According to the General Data Protection Regulation, the use of your personal data must be justified under at least one legal basis for its processing. The legal basis applicable to the collection and use of your personal data for customer service and marketing purposes is your consent.


13. What are the applicable legal grounds?

Legal grounds for the processing of personal data:

  1. When you have given consent to the processing of your personal data, by requesting us information about products/services (consent that can be changed later);

  2. When the treatment is necessary to process a contract with you or carry out its execution;

  3. When the processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations to which the company responsible for the processing is subject;

  4. When processing is necessary to achieve a legitimate interest and our reasons for using it prevail over your data protection rights;

  5. When the processing is necessary for us to declare, exercise or defend a right in a legal proceeding that is brought against us, against you or a third party.

14. Does What Is Your Profile use the information it collects about you for purposes other than those associated with the services you provide me?

No. The collected data are used strictly for the purposes identified in the fundamentals for the use of your personal data.


15. How can you change or withdraw your consent?

Pursuant to the applicable legislation, you may, at any time, exercise your rights, in particular to access personal data concerning you, to rectify, eliminate or limit its processing, to the portability of your data, or to oppose treatment, by written request to or by registered letter addressed to What Is Your Profile to the address R. Santo Amaro, Nº 5, 2500-640 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.

Regarding communications that you receive from us via social networks, and if you do not wish to continue receiving them via social networks, it is the user’s responsibility to stop following us on their social networks, since in these specific cases, control is on the user’s side, which may stop following us or even block our messages.

Without prejudice to any other means of administrative or judicial recourse, you have the right to file a complaint with the CNPD or other competent supervisory authority under the terms of the law, if you believe that the processing of your data by What Is Your Profile violates the legal regime in force at any time.

For more information about the terms of data processing by What Is Your Profile, please consult this privacy policy in full. For clarification of doubts, you can also contact the Data Protection Officer at or the Data Protection Officer at What Is Your Profile, R.Santo Amaro, Nº5, 2500-640 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.


16. Is consent always required?

No, in particular in cases where the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract or for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject, such as e.g. issuing an invoice.


17. Is it possible to choose to limit the personal data you give us? How? 

The application forms for the different services integrate a set of data. Some are mandatory to allow the service to function itself, others are optional. In the case of mandatory data, failure to complete it will make it impossible, within the scope of what is described in the terms and conditions (also known as Registration and Payment Conditions), to adhere to the products/services in question.


18. How can you find out what personal data is being stored? How can you exercise your rights (access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition, etc)?

If you have any questions related to the use we make of your personal data, or wish to exercise your rights (access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition, etc.), you must follow the steps indicated in the question “How can you change or withdraw your consent?” or contact our customer support team using the contact details provided in the question “How can you change or withdraw your consent?”


19. Can your data be shared with entities that do not belong to What Is Your Profile?

Some of your personal data may be accessed by our suppliers and service providers within the scope of the purposes described in the Privacy Policy and may be transmitted to third parties (Tax Authority, courts and judicial authorities) in the fulfillment of legal obligations.


20. What measures have been taken to ensure the security of your data?

What Is Your Profile uses its best efforts to protect the users’ personal data from unauthorized access via the Internet. For this purpose, it uses security systems, rules and other procedures, in order to guarantee the protection of the users’ personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the data, its improper use, its disclosure, loss or destruction. It is, however, the user’s responsibility to guarantee and ensure that the computer or device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) he is using is adequately protected against harmful software, computer viruses and worms. Additionally, you should be aware that, without the adoption of adequate security measures (for example, the safe configuration of the browser, updated antivirus software, security barrier software and not using software of doubtful origin), the risk of personal data and passwords being accessed by third parties, without authorization for such, is aggravated. Note that whenever data collection is carried out on open networks, such as the Internet, your data may circulate without security conditions, with the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.


What Is Your Profile may change its Privacy Policy at any time. These changes will be duly published on our websites. If the changes have a substantial impact on your rights and freedoms, What Is Your Profile will notify you of these changes using the contact details you have provided.


Cookies Policy


WISP is the owner of this website and uses cookies on its websites to improve performance and user experience as described below. We do not collect confidential information. If you continue to browse the site, we will assume that you agree to receive cookies.


Know about cookies


Cookies are small text files with relevant information that your access device (computer, mobile phone/smartphone or tablet) loads, through the internet browser (browser), when a website is visited by the user.


The placement of cookies will not only help the website to recognize the user’s device the next time the user visits it, but also, often, it will be essential for the operation of the same. The cookies used by WISP on all its websites do not collect personal information that allows the user to be identified. They keep generic information, namely the way or place/country of access of users and the way they use the sites, among others. Cookies only retain information related to your preferences.


The user can, at any time and through his internet browser (browser), decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into his system. Please note, however, that the refusal to use cookies on the website may result in the inability to access some of its areas and not allow the entire browsing experience.


Cookies functionality


In general, cookies are used to improve the user’s browsing experience, increasing response speed and efficiency. They eliminate the need to repeatedly enter the same information and help determine which advertising messages the user sees are relevant and fit their interests, that is, the sites’ usefulness, interest and number of uses.


Different types of cookies


Each cookie used has a function and an expiration date.


Regarding the function, the cookies used can be:


Essential Cookies – Some cookies are essential to access specific areas of WISP’s websites. They allow navigation on the website and the use of its applications, as well as access to secure areas of the website through login. Without these cookies, services that require it cannot be provided.


Functionality Cookies – Functionality cookies allow remembering the user’s preferences regarding navigation on the website. So, you don’t need to reconfigure and customize it every time you visit.


Analytical Cookies – These cookies are used to analyze how users use the website, allowing to highlight items or services that may be of interest to users, and monitor the website’s performance, knowing which pages are most popular, which connection method between pages which is more effective or to determine why some pages are receiving error messages. These cookies are used only for statistical analysis and creation purposes, without ever collecting personal information. Thus, WISP can provide a high quality experience by customizing its offer and quickly identifying and correcting any problems that arise.


Regarding the expiration date, the cookies used can be:


Permanent cookies – They are stored on your access devices (computer, mobile phone/smartphone or tablet), at the level of the internet browser (browser), and are used whenever the user visits the website again. In general, they are used to direct navigation according to the user’s interests, allowing WISP to provide a more personalized service.


Session Cookies – These are temporary. Cookies are generated and are available until the users closes the session. The next time the user accesses their internet browser (browser) the cookies will no longer be stored. The information obtained allows to manage sessions, identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.


Block the use of cookies


The user can disable part or all of the cookies at any time. By disabling cookies the website may not work properly.


Cookies when opening newsletters/emails

Newsletters/emails may, for statistical purposes, contain a small image that lets to know if they are open and check clicks on links or advertisements within the newsletter. The user always has the possibility to deactivate the sending of the newsletter/email through the specific option in the footer of the newsletter/email.